How to Remove Powered by Shopify

Want to remove the “powered by Shopify” text found in your websites footer?
Follow one of these easy steps to remove the link from your website. These methods work for almost every Shopify Theme.

Remove Powered By Shopify Method 1
1 : Go to and login into your account
2 : In the left Shopify dashboard menu under “Sales Channels” click Themes
3 : Select your theme and click the three dots button next to the green “customize” button.
4 : Click “Edit default theme content”
5 : In the search bar type “powered”
6 : Under links locate the input box “Powered by Shopify” and press space once on your keyboard
7 : Click save and the Powered by Shopify text should be removed from your websites footer
Remove Powered By Shopify Method 2
1 : Go to and login into your account
2 :In the left Shopify dashboard menu under “Sales Channels” click Themes
3 :Select your theme and click the three dots button next to the green “customize” button.
4 :Click “Edit Code”
5 :In the left search bar type “Footer”
6 :Locate and select “Footer.liquid”
7 :Click inside the editor and click “Control+F” (or “Command+F” on a Mac) to open the code editor search menu.
8 :Then search ” {{ powered_by_link }} ” and hit enter
9 :Delete the code then save and you should see the powered by Shopify text is no longer on your website

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